2016 © HC Computers of Garswood  www.hcrepairs.com I have classes to suit your needs Tai-Chi Fit

A non traditional form of Tai Chi for the modern world.

This is a simple and yet dynamic and innovative mind and body fitness concept based on the timeless practice of Tai Chi. This is fused with the latest techniques to stimulate the mind and body.

Available in home sessions.  Weekly classes in Garswood Conservative Club

Yoga for the beginner or classes for the more experienced.

Hatha/Vinyasa yoga make the body more supple and strong; improve breath work; calm the mind; and, prevent diseases. Both these forms of yoga are work towards the same goal – fitness of the body and the mind

The Chinese ancient art of energy cultivation and power affirmations

This is an easy to follow combination of controlled breathing, focused concentration and simple movements to remove blocks, increase energy & awaken your bodies natural healing ability.

Available in home sessions by your total wellbeing instructor.